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    Answering some common questions about React + D3 2018

    I opened React + D3 2018 preorders 7 days ago, and 50 people have already bought my updated book and course. So I guess this is happening 🀘

    Here's a few common questions you've been asking πŸ‘‡

    Is React + D3 2018 a physical book?

    Yes and no.

    It's definitely an ebook, and there's definitely going to be a few hours of video lessons that go with it. I've been practicing, and I know how to do video well now.

    As for physical, the previous editions didn't have a physical version. Out of ~700 people, 3 asked. But I think going back to paper is a growing trend, so I'm looking into print-on-demand options. If I find something I like, there's going to be a physical edition.

    I have React + D3v4, do I get a free update?

    That depends on which version of React + D3v4 you have.

    • If you bought the $149 package, you get a free update with everything and you can participate in the workshops.
    • If you bought the $49 package, you get the updated book, but not the extra videos and exercises.
    • If you got React+D3v4 as part of my 30-at-30 promotion, I love you, but you get just the bugfixes and not the new chapters.
    • If you got it as part of the Patreon deal, you're great, but most of you churn after 2 or 3 months, so that model never really worked and needs to be rethought. No updates.

    You will get a specific email about the above with a link to claim your update over the next few days.

    tl;dr: To join the live workshops in August, you have to preorder React + D3 2018 or have previously bought the \\\$149+ package

    I have an even older edition. What about me?

    Sorry, React + D3v4 was a complete rewrite from earlier editions, and nobody got a free update. Therefore, you can't get a free update now, either.

    Can I get the current edition while I wait for the new one?

    Yes. I'm setting up those automations today and sending a manual email to everyone who already purchased.

    How do the exclusive preorder workshops work?

    These are going to be 3 to 4 hour live online workshops. You'll join via Zoom or some other software (I'm open to suggestions), and we're going to build some stuff together.

    Aug 12, Aug 19, and Aug 26. Mark your calendar.

    The format will be similar to my all day in-person workshops πŸ‘‡

    • I'll explain some theory
    • present a problem
    • give you some time to think about/solve it
    • then walk you through it

    Writing your own code is encouraged. That will help you learn. You'll get value just from listening too.

    If you miss a date, don't worry. You can come to either or all of them. Think of them as iterations.

    An edited version of these workshops will become the video course accompanying a $149 package of React + D3 2018. So not only do you get to participate live, help shape the content, and get answers to your specific questions, preordering also gives you a $100 discount.

    Great deal πŸ‘Œ

    What's new anyway?

    You're right. Nobody asked this question, but I wanted to reiterate so I can help you get excited and maybe click that preorder button if you’re still on the fence ✌️

    • βš›οΈ updated content for how react works in 2018 and 2019. That means React 16+, React Suspense, etc.
    • πŸ“ˆ updated code for D3v5
    • 🚟 exploration of React Suspense implications
    • πŸ†• chapter on ready-made dataviz components you can use
    • πŸ†• new chapter on dataviz in React Native
    • πŸ†• new chapter on dataviz in WebVR
    • πŸ“¦ move examples from Codepen to Codesandbox for better experience
    • πŸƒ add more exercises and sample walkthroughs
    • πŸŽ₯ all new 2 to 3 hour video in full 4K

    I'm considering a WebAssembly chapter as well. See if that helps when you have humongous datasets.

    Preorder now!


    Published on August 2nd, 2018 in d3, Front End, Learning, Personal, react, Side Projects, Technical, Writing

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