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    A longboard and a school system

    Coming back from the US I was left completely without means of transport. My rollerblades' last allowed wheel died over there so I was left with a cumulative three working wheels for the whole set. You need at least four.

    Right before I left for the US my driver's licence expired and I need to go see the doctor before I can get a new one - because of exams I simply couldn't be bothered with that yet.

    And I haven't had a bike ever since I retired the last one after twice its value went into repairs (I'm kind of hard on bikes).

    So today I borrowed a longboard from @zidarsk8 ... well I say a longboard, but it's really the longboard because he doesn't really have any other. Really cool of him to let me borrow it for a week, two, three!

    Today I survived my first ride from college to home and I have to say despite nearly getting mowed down by a car a couple of times and some bruised pedestrians it went pretty well. Those things are super fun and if I can get a hang of it I might buy one of my own instead of a set of rollerblades, because it means I wouldn't have to keep lugging my shoes around ... we'll see, rollerblading is kind of super fun though ...

    Oh and today I discovered that I flunked one too many exams, this likely means I won't be able to get into the next year of my course and instead of being just before graduating from a masters equivalent in a year, I will be graduating from a bachelors in computer science.

    But this isn't over yet, school system! I won't go down without a fight!

    Published on September 12th, 2011 in Learning, Personal

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