Do you know that game, abysmall failure at life and everything or hungry? It's a fun game, I play it often.

To be honest, I don't know where it comes from. Maybe it's like being hangry – you lack energy so your emotions run wild. Whatever they are.
For me it likes to sneak up when I look at past achievements that I was so proud to achieve and think "You could've done better and you know it. I could've, but I didn't. I am where I am.

Note to self: Do not look at metrics when you're hungry. Keep forgetting that one 😅
More importantly, folks on twitter shared so many wonderful tips to shake that feeling of failure we all feel sometimes that I wanted to share my favs with you. You should read the whole thread, too

In a nutshell:
- accept yourself
- remove toxic influence
- mind the wins
And remember, I love and accept you for who you are ❤️
Happy Thursday,
PS: removing toxic influence only goes so far 😅
Continue reading about "I’m a ocean of failure... so I swim"
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