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    My barcamp Ljubljana report

    Barcamp Ljubljana happened yesterday and if you don't know what a barcamp is don't go looking for explanations in this post. I still can't explain what a barcamp is, it's just one of those difficult to epxlain things, like twitter or open source,but I can vouch for them being EXTREMELY fun. No Saturday before had ever flown by so quickly. So yes, I am extremely pleased that I went.

    We started off in the morning, me wisely coming much earlier than I usually would to something like this (in the words of one Henry Wotton, "I don't have time to be punctual") because I wanted to have a presentation and I've read that the earlier you get there the more slots are left for you to pick from. So I picked a spot at a lovely time in a lovably small classroom ... but they later on moved me into the big lecture hall sine I apparently piqued a lot of people's interests. Err thanks guys, I was totally unprepared, a complete newbie never having given a public presentation before and you go and move me to the big lecture hall. Brilliant.

    Anyhow, all the talks I was to were quite awesome. Must say I found Andraz Tori's introduction into gaining investments for an idea especially intriguing and I think everyone there really got a lot from the whole thing. The other pearl amongst talks was somebody's talk, sorry I forgot the name of the very cool guy, on data mining. He should work as an actor, it was magnificent to watch.

    The best thing about barcamps, judging from yesterday's, is that so many great people were there and I don't think I've ever before gotten to know so many new people in a single day. Especially at the party afterwards, wow, hope I didn't make an arse of myself though 'cause the last thing I remember was talking to @gandalfar about ... err what were we talking about again ... oh well. I'm sure the important bits will come to me eventually.

    Can't wait to go to another barcamp.

    Published on January 18th, 2009 in life, review

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