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    Shuush - perfect tool for all my twitter followers

    Shuush turned on

    Ever since I started using twitter people have been accusing me that I talk too much. In the early days pretty much everyone told me this whenever we would meet in person, as more and more slovenians poured onto twitter and the whole thing has become a bit more mainstream it's not that big a problem anymore.

    But, still, if you follow less than about 200 people ... let's just say I have been known to fill an entire screen for such people when I really start talking. You will also notice that I tweet most of my blogposts three times.

    To be fair it's not actually that bad, you're just not following enough people. On my twitter I only come up every fifty tweets or even less frequently. Most of my followers wouldn't even notice a single of my blogpost tweets!

    Fear not! Dear twitter people of the world, if you find me annoying and because there are some even more annoying people - there is now a new experimental twitter client that you can use!

    Enter Shuush, stage left.

    The idea is very simple, assign a spaminess score to people and display tweets so that font size is inversely proportional to the spaminess score. Brilliant. Elegant. Genius.

    Here are some screenshots, but you should really try it out yourself.

    Shuush turned off Shuush turned on Mousing over a tweet shows the user's score
    Published on November 30th, 2011 in Business, Online Communities, Social network, Startups, Trending and Popularity, Twitter

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