Swizec Teller - a geek with a hatswizec.com

Senior Mindset Book

Get promoted, earn a bigger salary, work for top companies

Senior Engineer Mindset cover
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    Swizec's articles in the "learnings" category

    I aim to write mindblowing emails with real insight into the career and skills of a modern software engineer. "Raw and honest from the heart!" as one reader described them.

    Below are 4 articles filed under learnings. Enjoy ❤️

    The audience loved my talk but I didn't

    A critical look at a conference talk that went great but felt a little off.

    You don't need a big team to automate your work

    The opposite of folks who follow every FAANG trend and over-engineer their companies to death, are the folks who *never* take advice from the big boys.

    Tips for a fulfilling tech career

    When I dropped out of college to focus on freelancing back in 2012, I set 3 ground rules:

    Preventing RSI for programmers

    I've been computering daily for 24 years, since I was 9, and managing RSI since high school. People often ask how it never gets bad. This is the article I always wish I had written.

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