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    Swizec's articles in the "tanstack" category

    I aim to write mindblowing emails with real insight into the career and skills of a modern software engineer. "Raw and honest from the heart!" as one reader described them.

    Below are 3 articles filed under tanstack. Enjoy ❤️

    Server-side React that renders as png, pdf, or interactive webapp

    What if your React code could render as a PNG, PDF, static HTML, or fully interactive webapp just by changing the URL? I got a working demo! 😁

    Tips from 8 months of TanStack/Router in production

    On my last day at Tia I wrote a master vision doc for our TanStack Router app. Here are the parts I can share.

    TanStack Router – modern React for the rest of us

    TanStack Router puts the router in control of data, state, and UI and it's ... really good.

    Created by Swizec with ❤️