Today I'm thrilled to announce my new course ServerlessReact.Dev on building webapps with the hyper productive modern stack.
You're a brilliant engineer. Great at your job. Someone gives you a spec and you get it done. Bam 💪
But can you ship a product on your own?
Usually you work with others. They're slow. They're busy. There's meetings. Committees. Pull requests. Managers. Approvals. So much work about work that doesn't deliver value to users.

Every little thing involves a designer, a JavaScript expert, a CSS professional, a backend engineer, a database person, the QA team, the devops folks, the ...
It takes you months to turn a star button into a like button.
What if you could grab an idea by the horns and build the damn thing? Own a feature from start to finish?
That's why I created ServerlessReact.Dev

ServerlessReact.Dev is a video course that shows you how to build a modern webapp from scratch to launch using the hyper productive modern web stack.
You'll learn everything you need to become a fullstack frontend engineer.
ServerlessReact.Dev is focused on practical examples and showing you the whole process. Warts and all.
When you follow a polished tutorial, you learn how to build that thing. But your skills don't transfer. And when something goes wrong, you're stuck.
With ServerlessReact.Dev you get a behind-the-scenes look. I'll show you how to debug problems, how to design a solution, where to start, and when to say good enough.
Learn the pragmatic way to build modern apps.
We start with some theory, learn the stack, do some practical exercises to get a feel for technologies, then build a whole app. From a list of features to accepting payments.
What's in ServerlessReact.Dev
ServerlessReact.Dev covers the new technologies that represent the future of web development. Get ahead of this exciting new paradigm shift.
– Learn how to build blazing fast static-first React apps with Gatsby
– Learn how to use GraphQL to minimize API requests
– Leverage design systems to build beautiful apps without designers
– Serverless technologies for adding functionality on the server
– Store and manage data in a database
– Payments integration
– Authenticate users and keep track of their accounts
– JAMStack deployments for production-ready frontend code
– The Edge First Architecture for frontend state management using React Hooks
I want to show you everything you need to build blazing fast static-first webapps and launch a successful product on the side. And if you don't want to launch products, these techniques will streamline your workflow at the day job.
YOU can build the whole thing. Whatever it is.
And just this week, ServerlessReact.Dev is $100 off until Jan 31st.
Start owning ideas like a pro 👉 ServerlessReact.Dev
PS: got some questions? hit reply
PPS: I built an entire new course platform just for ServerlessReact.Dev and I couldn't have done it without the modern stack
Continue reading about Announcing ServerlessReact.Dev – my new course on building apps from scratch
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Who am I and who do I help? I'm Swizec Teller and I turn coders into engineers with "Raw and honest from the heart!" writing. No bullshit. Real insights into the career and skills of a modern software engineer.
Want to become a true senior engineer? Take ownership, have autonomy, and be a force multiplier on your team. The Senior Engineer Mindset ebook can help 👉 These are the shifts in mindset that unlocked my career.
Curious about Serverless and the modern backend? Check out Serverless Handbook, for frontend engineers 👉
Want to Stop copy pasting D3 examples and create data visualizations of your own? Learn how to build scalable dataviz React components your whole team can understand with React for Data Visualization
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By the way, just in case no one has told you it yet today: I love and appreciate you for who you are ❤️