getStaticProps, environment vars, and why you shouldn't use yarn link – all in this episode of #CodeWithSwiz
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This was a fantastic streaming session. The thing works! You can do what I've been trying to build for the past 3 episodes 🤘
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Why yarn link is bad

Much of our frustration budget was spent on this cryptic error. "Naughty naughty, calling hooks in a class component"
You get this error when using yarn link
to develop libraries. Like when you have a piece of code you want to re-use in different projects.
Library development relies on a combination of unit testing and integrating with your target project. I skip unit testing on stream because lazy ✌️
You end up testing through integration.
Best way to do that is to yarn link
(or npm link
) a local project into your code. That way changes are reflected immediately.
And it leads to having multiple instances of React in the same project. One from your project, one from your library. Running instances in the browser that is. Happens with Vue too.
You have to publish your library for every change 😩
- see bug
- make change and pepper console logs
- yarn build
- git commit
- npm version patch
- npm publish
- change to target project
- yarn add library
For every change. Yeah it sucks. You learn to maximize debugging info for every change.
Environment variables
Environment variables are best used for configuring your API keys and other secrets. You shouldn't hardcode those and they shouldn't be part of your repository.
NextJS has fantastic support out of the box. We kinda guessed on stream and it worked 🤘
For local development, create a .env.local
file. Do not add to git
// /.env.local GIPHY_API_KEY=value
You can then read these variables on the server and during builds with process.env.GIPHY_API_KEY
They're hidden from the browser for security reasons.
For production and preview secrets, you should use Vercel's or Netlify's UI. They keep secrets encrypted and out of your codebase. Like it should be.

Having env vars on the server and inside builds is great, but our <LetterBuilder>
plugin needed them in the browser.
You can expose public vars in NextJS by prefixing with NEXT_PUBLIC
. I haven't tried if that works on Netlify.
Our API key isn't public though. It's a true secret and should stay secret. You can see it on my stream because I'm a terrible person. And because I can click a button to change it 😉
We used getStaticProps
to read the key at build time and send it to our page as a React prop. This is insecure.
// /pages/index.js
export async function getStaticProps() {
return {
// populate props however you want
props: {
giphyAPIKey: process.env.GIPHY_API_KEY,
// ...
export default function Home({ giphyAPIKey }) {
When you export getStaticProps
from your page, NextJS runs your method when building the page. Either for static rendering or their static generation magic.
Those props are then baked into the render of your exported default component.
Similar to Gatsby's staticQuery
and useStaticQuery
without the complication of GraphQL and far more flexible. You can use this method for anything you want. Even API requests.
Make sure your props are serializable JSON ✌️
Continue reading about Exploring NextJS with a headless CMS, pt4 – CodeWithSwiz
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- Why NextJS /api routes are fab – CodeWithSwiz 6
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- Using YouTube as a data source in Gatsbyjs
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