Swizec Teller - a geek with a hatswizec.com

Senior Mindset Book

Get promoted, earn a bigger salary, work for top companies

Senior Engineer Mindset cover
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    Looking for beta readers

    Wanna read my hardest engineering lessons learned? You're in luck!

    I finished the manuscript 🥳

    • 10 months of writing,
    • 28 chapters,
    • 47,700 words,
    • lots of charts and pictures.

    The book started as a Manning project in late 2022, got killed, then I started again from scratch in February 2024 with a better more interesting angle –

    What software engineering through a hockey-stick looks like. Based on my experiences in fast growing startups, supported by academic research. Trying to answer the question: What actually matters in a business context?

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    Right now I'm looking for beta readers [name|]. You get a super early first draft of the book and your feedback will shape what it becomes.

    This is not a vomit draft. I edit a lot while writing. I'd feel comfortable publishing the book as is, but your input will make it so much better.

    If that sounds interesting 👉 https://forms.gle/Bk9MkWPHmA1xCaxW6


    Published on December 30th, 2024 in Scaling Fast Book

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    Senior Mindset Book

    Get promoted, earn a bigger salary, work for top companies

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