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    My brain is a vector

    I was studying linear algebra all night last night. Until five in the morning in fact and then because I couldn't quite get myself to sleep I watched sitcoms until six. Yes quite insane. Why is it that I couldn't sleep after something like eight hours of studying? Probably because my mind's gone crazy and turned into vectory mush.

    When I woke today at 11 the first thing I saw was the laptop blabbing sitcoms in my face so what'd I do? Complain to the first random person on MSN ... it's what geeks do. Honestly, it felt like I was having a studying hangover, how the hell did that happen? Never had a hangover from studying before ...

    You know what, not that I was having a hangover ... I think I still am and the sad part is how I'm facing another three or four hours of studying this bloody linear algebra so I can then go to the last minute preparations at school and then, lo and behold, take the midterm.

    I'm overrun with joyous joy and exquisite ecstasy ... yay woo, linear algebraic algebraism in three dimensional space.

    Published on March 26th, 2008 in life

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