Swizec Teller - a geek with a hatswizec.com

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    Scaling Fast, my talk on lessons from tech startups

    This talk from C3Fest summarizes the key lessons I've learned in the past ~15 years of working in tech startups. It's a high level overview of a new book I'm writing (60% done).

    The talk came out great, if a little packed for 20min. Enjoy ❀️

    Scaling Fast talk at C3Fest
    Scaling Fast talk at C3Fest

    For a 5pm last-talk-of-the-conference that's a pretty packed room.

    Key points

    With links to past articles because ideas take time to develop :)

    And here's one more cool pic from the talk.

    Swizec speaking at C3Fest
    Swizec speaking at C3Fest

    As a side-note: this was my first time writing out the entire talk beforehand word for word. Tried a new app, iA Presenter, that turns your notes into a teleprompter.

    The writing was useful and made the talk better. But I suck at using a teleprompter and the app way overestimates how fast I can read out loud so I had to improvise πŸ˜‚


    Published on July 9th, 2024 in Talks, Scaling Fast Book, Engineering, Software Architecture, Productivity

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