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    Serverless file upload to S3 with NextJS and AWS Lambda – CodeWithSwiz 27

    The Girl loves her daily cute photos, but she's bored of repeats. What if adding images was easier πŸ€”

    And now it is!

    πŸ‘‰ full UI code πŸ‘‰ full AWS code

    full build video πŸ‘‡

    The outline

    We've got a lovebox lambda that sends daily random photos from an S3 bucket to an IoT device on my girlfriend's desk. Plastic heart spins, girl opens box, girl sees pic, girl smiles. Swiz gets best boyfriend points.

    Works great except I never added more than 5 photos. Uploading to S3 is a pain in the ass πŸ˜…

    Here's how we're gonna fix that:

    • web UI collects images to upload
    • fetches a pre-signed S3 upload URL
    • uploads image
    • repeat until all images uploaded

    Amazon S3 uses pre-signed URLs to make file uploads secure. Each URL is good for 1 upload. Specific file type, expires fast, pre-defined file name.

    Sketch of the process
    Sketch of the process

    The AWS Lambda

    The Lambda that generates a new pre-signed URL follows the REST API pattern. GraphQL would be overkill because we're fetching 1 value.

    We add it in serverless.yml

    # serverless.yml
      # ...
        handler: dist/presignedUrl.getUrl
          - http:
              path: presignedurl
              method: GET
              cors: true

    presignedUrl calls the getUrl method when you hit the /presignedurl path with a GET request.

    Prep params

    The method itself starts by prepping params for the S3 API.

    // src/presignedUrl.ts
    export async function getUrl(event: APIGatewayEvent) {
        const fileType = event.queryStringParameters?.filetype;
        // verify file type was passed
        if (!fileType?.startsWith("image")) {
            return {
                statusCode: 400,
                body: JSON.stringify({ error: "Please upload an image" }),
        // image/png -> png
        const extension = fileType.split("/")[1];
        const imageId = uuidv4();
        const filename = `${imageId}.${extension}`;
        const expireSeconds = 60 * 5;
        const readUrl = `https://lovebox-stash.s3.amazonaws.com/${filename}`;

    We grab the filetype param from the querystring and verify it exists. We'll need it to generate the file name and tell S3 what type of file to expect.

    Then we generate a new UUID for the image name, define a 5min expiration, and create a URL our client can use to display the image after upload.

    Generate upload URL

    // src/presignedUrl.ts
    export async function getUrl(event: APIGatewayEvent) {
      // ...
      const uploadUrl = s3.getSignedUrl("putObject", {
        Bucket: "lovebox-stash",
        Key: filename,
        ContentType: fileType,
        Expires: expireSeconds,
      const headers = {
        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
        "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": true,
        "access-control-allow-methods": "GET",
      return {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: JSON.stringify({

    When everything's ready, we call s3.getSignedUrl to create a new upload URL. It works for 5 minutes on our exact upload. Once used, it's done.

    We return a bunch of CORS headers to make this callable from the browser and add the generated url.

    You get an API response like this:

      "uploadUrl": "https://lovebox-stash.s3.amazonaws.com/6b27de0f-f719-4792-a8ec-f4c26a0f5d7d.png?AWSAccessKeyId=ASIAVGA6PM7APGWCNIXD&Content-Type=image%2Fpng&Expires=1618934335&Signature=PgBtnH%2BJ6QswFHY4vCvQ0wJOWuE%3D&x-amz-security-token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjECgaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJHMEUCIGpLnl1QR0avgrz%2BCch8H0Sr%2FTIHNEbUSU3BOQICAQQkAiEAxiFrEwKvv6vq%2BLNYTFzylSP6YqqOQWaLr0Y2uvsYOowq5wEIkf%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FARAAGgwzNTY1NDYyMDk3MjgiDHp3IQG1N95uWNEVjiq7AQ3fYHQkBvv%2BeqPM7sK0AM437xIXgOHFqhRW7u1JDhzKr363EPyjN1xaErhBIso058PtjpGTGN2mBUKWysaVvJGPBfCriUls1upJ%2BM9MgNeYuEhIyU%2BBmrAEq91M4WwH%2BjW%2FIZKrAJfeiU8kAjJVMdJSD2GCEDUVUTFgTgoEMYFrGQxidJbvTR3mg6eLajbENuwqb7g7guePhFKs1AqzI%2FLAaZxAfj2ToGslFE17GaagvEadGDw2XWl%2Ff10wkvL7gwY64AGfSFcLkWZlOP2MyHflJaCPhsFP2%2BZCEPtiE5CSlkmGYWIC7CbQcKj0bhIUXHOBzH%2BvV1JGVzfKXLRbU7WXEvYWk5SqfT%2FrAxphDTEYoP28RD10BWU2o8JEH%2FWG6YINVeVFCAl%2FuviyL3ysDhB%2FjMX6Vpjte1pdUmsmmMode%2FeExDCZtp5hTsUnLFbMFgloldnvYadaERN5gYZlC9sEtsKhacsaUkwUPDVtQJv7XPj0Zkf6hFVfKH0cgOCGFhy%2BUoBDZ2r0%2B3Xh%2Bs1oSnTOMlXn8eIzVeMPQRHB%2BEmF3J6nug%3D%3D",
      "readUrl": "https://lovebox-stash.s3.amazonaws.com/6b27de0f-f719-4792-a8ec-f4c26a0f5d7d.png",
      "imageId": "6b27de0f-f719-4792-a8ec-f4c26a0f5d7d"

    The file is private so maybe the readUrl isn't useful πŸ€”

    The NextJS UI

    NextJS made it quick to spin up a new React app.

    I was hoping to leverage server-side-generation to fetch the upload URL, but the UX wasn't great. You need a new URL for every file to enable multi-file upload and the upload works better when you know the file type.

    We cleaned out the default homepage and added a <LoveboxDropzone /> component.

    // pages/index.js
    export default function Home() {
        return (
            <div className={styles.container}>
                <main className={styles.main}>
                    <h1 className={styles.title}>Lovebox Stash ❀️</h1>
                    <p className={styles.description}>
                        Add cute photos to your Lovebox stash for The Girl
                    <LoveboxDropzone />

    LoveboxDropzone handles the upload UI and logic.


    We used react-dropzone to handle the intricacies of file uploads and drag-n-drop. Works great πŸ‘Œ

    Copied the core code from docs:

    // components/LoveboxDropzone.js
    export function LoveboxDropzone() {
      const onDrop = useCallback(async (acceptedFiles) => {
        // handle file upload
      }, [])
      const { getRootProps, getInputProps, isDragActive } = useDropzone({
      return (
        <div {...getRootProps()}>
          <input {...getInputProps()} />
          {isDragActive ? (
            <p>Drop your photos here ...</p>
          ) : (
            <p>Drag'n'drop photos here, or click to select files</p>

    react-dropzone gives you a useDropzone hook that returns the props you need to render. You give it a callback to handle files.

    Ours looks like this:

    const onDrop = useCallback(async (acceptedFiles) => {
      await Promise.all(acceptedFiles.map(uploadFile))
    }, [])

    useCallback ensures a stable function reference – avoids re-renders. setUploading(true/false) shows a spinner from react-spinner so users know an upload is in progress.

    await Promise.all runs each file upload in parallel and waits for them all to finish. Makes the UX faster when you upload a bunch 😊

    The file upload

    The uploadFile function handles each individual file.

    // components/LoveboxDropzone.js
    async function uploadFile(file) {
      const [{ uploadUrl }, data] = await Promise.all([
      const res = await fetch(uploadUrl, {
        method: "PUT",
        body: data,
        headers: {
          // file type has to match presigned url type
          "Content-Type": file.type,
      if (res.ok) {
        console.log(await res.text())
      } else {

    Uploads happen in 3 stages:

    1. Fetch the pre-signed upload url
    2. Read file as a binary blob
    3. Upload to S3 via upload url

    We do 1 and 2 in parallel with Promise.all to improve UX.

    You'll notice there's no error handling. If something goes wrong, the user will never know. Spinner spins forever.

    That's okay for a quick hack. ✌️

    fetch pre-signed upload url

    We've got an AWS Lambda that works as a REST API and generates upload urls on demand. We can use a fetch() request. No need to get fancy.

    async function getPresignedUploadUrl(file) {
      const presignedUrl = await fetch(`${URL}?filetype=${file.type}`).then((res) =>
      return presignedUrl

    Lambda URL is a constant (should be an ENV var), add filetype to query params, fetch. Parsing json() throws an error if the request fails. That's good enough.

    Using React Query would be overkill because we don't need a caching layer. Each response only works once.

    read file as a binary blob

    Modern browsers offer a full-on file API. You have File objects with meta data and you can read their contents into memory with the FileReader.

    A lot like a filesystem except it runs in memory.

    async function readFile(file) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const reader = new FileReader()
        reader.onabort = () => reject()
        reader.onerror = () => reject()
        reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result)

    Unfortunately the FileReader API predates promises. We tack a custom promise on top of its event-based interface.

    onload resolves the promise with data, onabort and onerror reject. In async/await land this translates to a returned value and errors.

    upload to S3 via upload url

    The final upload is another fetch() call. React Query would again be overkill because we're making unique requests.

    const res = await fetch(uploadUrl, {
      method: "PUT",
      body: data,
      headers: {
        // file type has to match presigned url type
        "Content-Type": file.type,

    Make a PUT request to the uploadUrl, push file data into the body, set Content-Type to the file type.

    And it works πŸŽ‰

    Works like a charm. Uploaded 12 images at once from my phone 🀘

    Time to go make some memories.


    PS: you can learn more about serverless in general from Serverless Handbook

    Published on April 20th, 2021 in Livecoding, CodeWithSwiz, Serverless

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