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    The Series A inflection point

    The Series A inflection point is the most fun* time in a startup, if you ask me. Here's what it looks like.

    *fun means that it's stressful and there's lots to do, but it feels rewarding. Everywhere you look code feels broken, something's always on fire, and everything you do brings tangible results.

    This need not be associated with a funding round, if you're profitable. It's more about hitting the S-curve where grow-by-hustle and early adopter pull stop working. You are crossing the first chasm.

    The first chasm

    Big chasm to the right is around Series B or C.

    The business side

    On the business side the Series A inflection point is driven by having verified that your core thing works and you have strong product-market-fit. Now it's time to figure out scalable distribution – repeatable playbooks, profitable, strong return-on-ad-spend, money machine go brrr.

    You're building the money machine.

    The engineering side

    On the engineering side the inflection point is about transitioning from programming to software engineering.

    You have a product that works and may be breaking under strain. Could be that it's falling apart for technical scalability reasons (performance etc), or social scalability reasons (team grows and no one person knows the whole codebase anymore).

    Usually it's a combination of both with social factors hitting first because computers are fast now.

    This is when you start having enough existing users paying you hard money that you have to start caring about reliability. You're also growing to a point where 1-in-1000 bugs start happening daily.

    All this forces you to grow up as an engineering org or you'll have so much churn that marketing/sales feels like they're dumping users into a leaky bucket rather than growing the business.

    A caveat

    A common failure mode, though, is to get too spooked by growing up. People become too concerned with quality and stop innovating or moving fast.

    You want things to feel a little broken and like you're barely holding on for dear life as the business rockets away. It's too early to slow down.


    Published on September 25th, 2024 in Startups, Scaling Fast Book, Growth

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