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    You, take a break

    [I sent this out to the Nightowls bi-monthly yesterday and it got a great response, so I'm reposting it here. Take a break.]

    Hey You,

    finally! That time of the year when the world slows down, people fly away for two weeks, and you can just work. Nobody there to bother you at all.


    I know it's a big temptation, I know it's the perfect time to start a side-project, or finish an old one. The perfect time to wrap up that refactoring job you've been sneaking into your task estimates ... I don't think there's been a holiday in the last few years that I didn't open a new Github repository.


    You won't finish that side-project. You'll start with enthusiasm, then realise that hey maybe you actually don't have as much time as you thought.

    Just relax. It's going to be fine.

    Let's play a game right now. Stop reading. Lean back. Stretch. Close your eyes. Do nothing for two minutes. Just breathe.

    Hard, right? You wanted to at least run the test suite or something while you're waiting. Just so the time wouldn't be completely lost.

    So how the hell are we going to do this for a week? Two weeks? Impossible!

    Sure, there's a bunch of work to finish. But there's always a bunch of work to finish. And I completely understand all the business owners who are tearing their hair out about the next two weeks. What ever will happen to the company? So much lost productivity!

    Don't worry, you'll make it all up when you get back. I promise.

    Even if you're a freelancer. Just ... chill. I know you want to work, I know you want to get ahead of the competition. Don't worry about it. You'll be even awesomer after the break.

    If you're just a nerd who likes staying at home with their computer, stop. Go out. Meet people. Party.

    Dance like nobody's watching.

    The biggest forum for tech nerds in Slovenia just closes down on New Year's Eve. Go there and you're greeted with "Step away from the computer. Party."

    I used to think that was stupid. But it's really really awesome. Listen to their advice. Go have fun.

    Let's make a deal.

    I will personally find a way to slap anyone who writes a line of code between the 30th of December and the 2nd of January. I'll do it through TCP/IP if I have to.

    But! If you do take a few days off, and you like it, I will buy you a beer or coffee or a slice of cake or whatever when I'm in your part of the world. Deal?

    No links today. No productivity tips. Go out and have fun. Come back fresh. Win.

    Cheers, ~Swizec

    PS: if you have any suggestions for new year's fun in new york, I'm all ears. See, I'm taking my own advice :)

    Published on December 20th, 2013 in Uncategorized

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