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    Swizec's articles in the "reader question" category

    I aim to write mindblowing emails with real insight into the career and skills of a modern software engineer. "Raw and honest from the heart!" as one reader described them.

    Below are 27 articles filed under reader question. Enjoy ❤️

    Yes, AI will "take" your job. No, you won't mind

    Is the job to get things done or to memorize trivia and solve cute coding puzzles?

    Small change in big scary codebase?

    Making small changes in large unfamiliar codebases is the job. That's what engineers do all day.

    Why SQL is Forever followup

    Yes SQL is super flexible. That is its strenght and its weakness

    Why useSuspenseQuery works

    A reader asked 'Wtf why does this work?'

    The answer to 5 soloists in a trench coat

    Team dysfunction where everyone's a soloist? Try this fix: Force the team to work on ONE story at a time.

    Why you need a regular retro

    Agile is something you are, not something you do.

    When to stay at a company

    Cap your down-side and think like an investor. Look for key metrics that can shape your career growth.

    How to go from Senior to Lead

    Transitioning from Senior to Lead Engineer isn't just about technical prowess, but strategic thinking, soft skills, and going beyond your role. And remember, strong individual contributions matter!

    TypeScript runtime vs types at run-time

    Understanding the nuances of TypeScript: it adds static types to JavaScript, reducing bugs by checking code validity pre-run. But imagine if we had types at run-time too - validating inputs, enhancing error messages. A dream, but a nice one.

    Why write

    Regular writing is a secret superpower! Sharpens your thoughts, boosts your career, and helps you become an authority in your field. Don't pretend to be an expert, just share your experiences. Your insights are gold

    Followup answers to Forget complicated code, focus on the system

    Why are utility files bad? How do you recognize architectural complexity? What the hell is a transitive dependency?

    Update state during render, better explained

    A few readers wrote in to say that the React Can Update State During Render email last week made no sense. Here's a better explanation.

    When to throw away your code

    Delete code when it stops providing value 💡 All code is a liability; context matters. Keep what solves problems, toss the rest.

    How one sentence guides your career

    Unlock the secret to guiding your career with a powerful positioning statement. Learn to stand out in the job market and attract opportunities that align with your expertise and values.

    Software engineers, exercise, health, and productivity

    Don't worry about the hype, just get some sun, some rest, and remember to hydrate.

    Done means Shipped

    Don't overthink, just ship

    "If you're so good, why aren't you making 600k at BigTech?"

    Swiz shares why he's not making the big bucks at a tech giant, from the soul-crushing grind of corporate to the funny money of tech compensation.

    Squash merge? Really!?

    Learn why squash merging is your friend - from hating it to loving it! Squash merging helps you keep moving and focus on the work instead of recording the work.

    Reader question: How to grow 10+ years into your career?

    For those wanting to stay hands-on, we recommend solving bigger better challenges with higher stakes and new problems.

    Can you stay a senior engineer forever?

    Here's an idea that can take the pressure off your career: Yes, you can stay a senior software engineer forever. But how?

    Reader question: useReducer or XState?

    Following up from my article about XState and Stately.ai, fellow reader S. asked if `useReducer` could ever be relevant when using state machines in React code. Yes! Here's how

    Reader question: Work at a big international or a local studio?

    Fellow reader Frank writes in with a question about career moves and I thought my answer could help you too

    Reader question: Should you learn the latest hotness?

    Great question. Common concern. *What if I get stuck in a technology that isn't hot??* Or worse, burn out re-learning every new thing 😱

    Reader Question: What do collaborative teams look like?

    New members on our team invariably say 2 things: 1. Wow I've never seen a team move this fast 2. This approach feels weird. I'm uncomfortable Teams like this are not common.

    Reader question: So about that perfect burndown chart ...

    If your approach works so well, why isn't every team doing this?

    Reader question: Feeling guilt as a tech lead

    Keep getting the guilt, that I'm not able to code, just running around for discussions and solving other issues, managing people. Any idea to manage all the fronts and get rid of this guilt?

    Reader question: "When do you fix tech debt?"

    Long time reader Phil asks when do you fix the tech debt you used to ship faster. Heroic efforts don't work. The real answer is "always" – a mindset of gardening.

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