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    Swizec's articles in the "typescript" category

    I aim to write mindblowing emails with real insight into the career and skills of a modern software engineer. "Raw and honest from the heart!" as one reader described them.

    Below are 11 articles filed under typescript. Enjoy ❤️

    The efficacy of TypeScript

    TypeScript may streamline code navigation and catch semantic errors, but it doesn't guarantee fewer bugs or faster fixes.

    TypeScript runtime vs types at run-time

    Understanding the nuances of TypeScript: it adds static types to JavaScript, reducing bugs by checking code validity pre-run. But imagine if we had types at run-time too - validating inputs, enhancing error messages. A dream, but a nice one.

    Bun – first impressions

    I've been using Bun in a few side-projects and I like it a lot

    Using DynamoDB Streams with the Serverless Framework

    DynamoDB Streams are a convenient way to react to changes in your database. And surprisingly easy to use 🥳

    pg-mem and jest for smooth integration testing

    The cult of TDD leads you down a dark and stormy path towards brittle code with a false sense of security. But there is a better way. A sweet spot between unit and heavy integration.

    Why null checks are bad

    Every null or undefined check doubles the number of tests you need 😱

    How to configure Jest with TypeScript

    Using plain Jest on a TypeScript codebase is kinda rough. No types in tests no thanks. Making Jest and TypeScript work together smoothly is something you do just rarely enough to forget the details. Hope this helps you and future me too ✌️

    Learn TypeScript in 5 minutes

    TypeScript solves many of JavaScript's sharpest edges. You don't need much to get started ✌️

    Stop SHOUTING = 'shouting'

    A hill I will die on 👉 global CONSTANT = 'constant' are bad

    A TypeScript trick for reusable hooks

    Reusable hooks are all fun and games until TypeScript starts yelling at you about incompatible types.

    Created by Swizec with ❤️