I like to share thoughts with new audiences and discover ideas with provocative questions. Here are some of my past appearances.
Got a provocative question to ask? email me
React Summit mini interview
Swizec shares his thoughts about his #ReactSummit talk, what stops developers from getting things done & what advice he has for beginners
Software Engineering Radio: Swizec Teller on Becoming a Senior Engineer
This week, senior software engineer, instructor, and blogger Swizec Teller spoke with Software Engineering Radio's Brijesh Ammanath about the "Senior Mindset."
Swizec Teller wanted to work on silicon valley blockbusters
On the DevJourney podcast Swiz' told us how he discovered computers at a very early age and how the planets aligned. By the time he enrolled in a CS degree in Slovenia, he had already had multiple internships and experiences working as a software developer. He spoke about freelancing and how this led him not to finish his CS degree. He talked about how his first entrepreneurial experience took him to Silicon Valley, what he learned there (by crashing and burning his startup) and how it eventually took him where he worked for the past seven years.
If you can JavaScript, you can backend on the Modern Web Podcast
Rob Ocell caught me in the middle of a 3 week fire at work for a conversation on the Modern Web Podcast. We talked about DST issues and more in a wide ranging conversation about Serverless, JavaScript backends, and the myth of vendor lock-in.
From code monkey to Silicon Valley leader
Swizec Teller started his career coding PHP websites for $5/hour, now he leads teams at hyper growth startups in Silicon Valley. Along the way he learned a new senior mindset focused on business outcomes and ownership. He learned what makes these startup engineers special.
Serverless for Frontend Engineers with Swizec Teller
On this episode, Jeremy and Rebecca chat with Swizec Teller about how to approach serverless as a frontend engineer, why if you can JavaScript you can backend, why tech tutorials are turning you into a mediocre engineer, and so much more.
Developer Tea interview about The Senior Engineering Mindset
We had a conversation with Jonathan Cutrell that was so good it made _two_ episodes!
The employed consultant
Software engineer, author, and educator Swizec Teller joined me to talk about consulting vs employment in Silicon Valley.
Advice from a Senior Silicon Valley Engineer
In this episode, you'll learn what Swizec looks for in Junior Developer in 2021 and how you can crack the coding interview by highlighting your potential.
What is a Senior (Engineer) Mindset?
Robby speaks with Swizec Teller, Senior Software Engineer at Tia and author of Serverless for Frontend Engineers. In this conversation, Swizec shares his thoughts on how startups need to learn how to leverage technical debt effectively, an introduction to his book, and the traits of a Senior Engineer Mindset.
The senior mindset with Swizec Teller
We talk on the 6 figure developer about what it really takes to be a senior engineer
What it takes to become a senior engineer
In this The New Stack Makers podcast, guests Swizec Teller, a senior software engineer, Tia — a healthcare company— and author, and Shawn Wang, head of developer experience for microservices orchestration platform provider Temporal.io, describe the mindset and other attributes required to become a senior engineer.
Difference between Senior and Junior engineer
Swizec and David talk about the key differences between Junior devs and senior devs, the concept of a 10x engineer, and different ways to gain experience quickly.
Making serverless more accessible for frontend engineers
We talk about serverless and why it's exciting for frontend engineers
The value of theory and why not to build an analytics service
Our conversation took an unexpected turn when Swizec started to talk about career and being part of the Silicon Valley ecosystem. He shared what it really means to be part of that environment, which for so many of us we only know a fraction of what goes on there.
The value of theory and why not to build an analytics service
We talked about computer science and whether any of that stuff is useful in your job
How to choose the right resources to learn
In this interview, we discussed his beginnings as a tech whizzkid, writing about code, coding live, supporting indie tech writers, and using videos as the next hot thing in teaching programming. There was also an unexpected guest on the show!
Swizec Teller on Hustle and Focus
Swizec has an incredible work ethic — regularly blogging, vlogging, live streaming, and writing books on your favorite web technologies React and D3. How does he do all that and keep a full-time job at a startup?
Parallel Passion
Podcast episode about life outside code
Programer, ki prodaja knjige
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