In 2020 JavaScript gained a new feature – optional chaining. It solves a problem we've had ... forever. With many workarounds and standard solutions over the years.
TIL you can use optional chaining on function calls 🤯
— Swizec Teller (@Swizec) June 23, 2021
The problem optional chaining solves
You get an object like this:
const object = {
greet: "hai",
deepProp: {
greet: "hello",
deeperProp: {
greet: "ohai",
JSON response from an API or reading from a database. Perhaps a blob you've built up on the frontend.
How do you access the 3rd level greet
, if object
, deepProp
, and deeperProp
might be undefined?
You could rely on JavaScript's evaluation semantics. Last value from expression is returned.
const greeting =
object &&
object.deepProp &&
object.deepProp.deeperProp &&
Confusing for newbies, annoying to write, easy to get wrong. Exploding complexity to boot.
A clearer way to write that are conditionals:
let greeting = undefined
if (object) {
if (object.deepProp) {
if (object.deepProp.deeperProp) {
greeting = object.deepProp.deeperProp
Clearer, more verbose, nobody writes this in production code. Feels weird to use conditionals for assignment. 🤷
Another common approach is to use a library like Lodash:
const greeting = _.get(object, "deepProp.deeperProp.greet")
Personally not a fan. Feels unnecessary.
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Use optional chaining
With optional chaining you can do this natively:
const greeting = object?.deepProp?.deeperProp?.greet
You've probably seen that before. Everyone's been very excited after wishing this existed for 10+ years.
But you might've missed that the operator is ?.
, not ?
. This is important because you can optionally chain anything 🤯
Function calls:
Array access:
And even expressions:
object?.deepProp?.[console.log("runs if deepProp defined")]
Please don't use that last one 😅
Continue reading about A surprising feature of JavaScript optional chaining
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Want to become a JavaScript expert?
Learning from tutorials is great! You follow some steps, learn a smol lesson, and feel like you got this. Then you go into an interview, get a question from the boss, or encounter a new situation and o-oh.
Shit, how does this work again? 😅
That's the problem with tutorials. They're not how the world works. Real software is a mess. A best-effort pile of duct tape and chewing gum. You need deep understanding, not recipes.
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