Gatsby and NextJS do similar things differently. One is better for websites, the other for webapps. In episode 17 of CodeWithSwiz we explore the biggest difference.
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Spring last year I had a flash of insight: Modern web apps are static first! It solves so many problems 🤯
Like time to first byte performance, loading spinners of death on bad wifi, and you can host from CDNs backed by a serverless data source. Works great.
Following that hunch I built Spark Joy on a series of streams. The app you see under every email and article.

Click a link, go to a page, answer followup questions. Works great.
Except when the email software says 15 readers clicked a vote and Spark Joy gets 5 votes 🤔
ServerSideRendering and ServerSideGeneration
When do you save that vote to the database?
With server side rendering your pages are created in advance. You deploy your site, go through the database, render a page for each relevant entry and turn it into HTML with data baked-in.
When users load a page, it hydrates and becomes a React app. You make requests in the browser and save the vote.
This is the approach Gatsby uses.
Server side rendering
You create pages like this in gatsby-node.js
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
const result = await graphql(`
query {
widgetsapi {
allWidget {
({ userId, widgetId, widgetType, followupQuestions }) => {
const votePath = path.resolve("./src/pages/vote.js")
path: `/${widgetId}/thumbsup`,
component: votePath,
context: {
voteType: "thumbsup",
The pattern you'll see is:
- Fetch data with GraphQL
- Iterate over data
for each with a data-driven URL
Your page becomes static HTML served from a CDN. No servers. You read page params using the pageContext
const VotePage = ({ pageContext }) => {
const {
} = pageContext
return (
<SEO title="Thank You" />
Use props baked-in during deploy, render the page. No loading spinners.
Because this is a static page, you save votes on load. And that's how you lose them. Folks load the page and bail before the save request completes.
More on that next time ✌️
Server side generation
NextJS supports server side rendering and it's gonna have the same problem: What if users bail before data saves?
A "revolutionary" new approach that NextJS offers is server side generation. You'll recognize this as "How websites used to work 10 years ago".
With server side generation you generate the page on-demand. User makes a request, serverless lambda (not managed by you) wakes up, fetches data, builds the page. User gets static HTML, it hydrates into a React app.
is how you turn that on:
export async function getServerSideProps({ params }) {
const { widgetId } = params
const { data } = await client.query({
query: gql`
query {
allWidget {
// TODO: support a query to fetch this directly
const widget = data.allWidget.find((w) => w.widgetId === widgetId) || {}
return { props: { widget } }
Fetch data using GraphQL, return an object with props
. Supports redirects and other fun stuff.
Where it differs from websites of old, is that your app uses the same code to render on the server and in the browser. Seamlessly.
const VotePage = ({ widget }) => {
const { userId, widgetId, voteType, followupQuestions, widgetType } = widget
return (
<Container sx={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
<title>Thank you</title>
You get data from props and use it to render the page. No loading spinners.
And unlike with Gatsby, you have a chance to save data on every page load before the page loads. Force users to wait. We'll try that next time.
The SSR vs SSG tradeoff
SSR and SSG do the same thing: Serve a page with data baked-in.
The difference is when that happens. When you deploy your site (Gatsby), when the first user hits a page (NextJS), or when every user hits the page (NextJS)?
Each approach gives you different performance characteristics.
- Gatsby build-time rendering creates slow deploys and fantastic time to first byte for every user
- NextJS on-demand static pages create fast deploys, fantastic first load for most users, and terrible performance when cache is cold
- NextJS server side generation creates fast deploys, slow page loads, and a chance to do things pre-load
Which is best depends on what you're doing.
PS: Gatsby looks like it's moving towards SSG, they now support filename-based dynamic routing
Continue reading about Gatsby to NextJS pt1, server-side-render or server-side-generate?
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