Since it's new year's eve day party thingy mcthing I'll keep this short because nobody is going to read it anyway.
Last night I went to see A Clockwork Orange at the playhouse and it was just a thing of joy. Shit was so cash.
No seriously, everybody who has ever even thought about doing far out things that bend the mind and touch you deeply and truly. I don't think I've ever been this affected by a theatre performance before. It was weird. It was strange. It was fucking brilliant.
Such perfect captivation of the story, so amazingly performed. Half the time I was afraid they might actually start pounding away at the audience and doing all manner of strange things to us. And half the mind I was just left with a giant WTFLOL in my head. And then there were times when it was so mindboggling, so sick, so perverted it was painful to watch.
If you can possibly find the time, if you can spare the few euro it takes, fucking go see this show. You shan't regret it; hat's off to Mladinsko Gledalisce.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm feeling a deep urge to go fuck somebody up with a stick.

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