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    Stypi - the perfect blogging tool

    Stypi is a collaborative text editing tool that came out of YCombinator a couple months ago. It's supposed to be filling a blank left behind Etherpad when it chewed up by Google and spat out as Wave.

    This post in Stypi

    Though I've never used Etherpad and have only seen Piratepad once or twice I've come to rely on Stypi to produce blogposts.

    The first time I saw Stypi in action was when Paul Graham posted a "Watch me write" on hackernews. It was a fascinating look into the way he writes because through Stypi's magic we got to watch a playback of one of his essays coming together.

    I remember being amazed by how often he typos not words, but whole paragraphs and started wondering how often I do something similar - off to Stypi! Been looking for a way to stop using Wordpress for content creation for a while anyway.

    At first I watched playbacks of my writing, but soon realised this was about as fun as watching a replay of your rally game - takes just as long, is super passive and kind of boring ... except in Stypi there aren't even any spectacular crashes!

    However, I've come to love Stypi for a different reason - it's the cleanest, most lightweight way to write. Nothing but me and my text.

    ... and anybody who guesses the url I'm writing at ... One of the main selling points is collaborative editing, but I like to be alone when I write. Sorry Stypi :)

    Another big selling point for me is that it works _everywhere_. The only contender so far has been iA Writer, but that only works on MacOS and costs money. But I really enjoy writing on my Linux box as well.

    All in all it's the perfect drafting tool that really encourages good drafting and rewriting principles. Especially because my better posts take about two or three rewrites before they're good enough.

    Published on January 3rd, 2012 in Business, Google, Google Wave, Linux, MacOS, Paul Graham, Startups, Stypi, Y Combinator

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