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    Time is short whey you're old

    My god I haven't blogged in a long time, have I been THAT busy? Are two weeks seriously this short when you're old? Shorter? But at least I'm having a bit of a good time, which I'm sure is more than many people can say.

    To be honest, I've been feeling a dash uninspired writing-wise ever since my dear Merrick died more than a week ago. Her graphics card went bezerk and there was nothing I could do. Wanted to replace the broken thing myself just so it'd be over with quickly, but alas, portable Macs don't use a graphics card per se, but a graphics chip and some memory right on the motherboard.

    This makes me sad.

    What's worse is that Merrick was my happy fun times computer so most of my passing entertainment like, say, RSS readers and whatnot, are there. Sure, there's a backup, but it's just not the same, not the same at all. I can't well read RSS feeds and blogs on Lestat the big fancy desktop computer. Just feels wrong! He's for work and fancy graphic effects and HD video and MSN and dust collecting.

    And so, without his trusty entertainment and constant twitter stream, our hapless hero is feeling old and betrayed and with the latest intelectual property debacle just a little bit raped and abusde. His answer? Fuck it.

    I'm investing a large portion of my savings in gold by the way, not looking for profits, just looking for retained buying power and that's what gold seems to excel at. The gold broker I met with today also felt quite awesome and gave me a good gut feeling about the whole thing so I'm rather psyched about this.


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    Published on April 17th, 2009 in Uncategorized

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