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    Swizec's articles in the "backend" category

    I aim to write mindblowing emails with real insight into the career and skills of a modern software engineer. "Raw and honest from the heart!" as one reader described them.

    Below are 15 articles filed under backend. Enjoy โค๏ธ

    I was wrong about databases

    The best part about writing is that you get to learn new and exciting ways you were wrong. Databases are smarter than I thought!

    *Why* the relational data model is so good

    You've heard that array or list columns in a database are bad. But why? Yesterday it clicked for me

    Why you need a task queue

    Task queues have been on my mind lately so here's a little primer on what they are, how they work, and why you need them when your project starts to grow.

    Why PATCH endpoints matter

    A painful lesson from production that brought several engineers almost to tears: *Please* add PATCH endpoints to your public APIs.

    You are allowed to invent HTTP status codes

    A fun problem for RESTful APIs: Did you get 404 because your URL is wrong or because the resource wasn't found?

    What microservices are for

    Microservices are a pain in the ass. They turn every system into a byzantine mess of complexity. But this week ... they saved my butt.

    Promise.allSettled, a wonderful tool for resilient code

    The pros and cons of different approaches to writing resilient code that handles partial failures

    pg-mem and jest for smooth integration testing

    The cult of TDD leads you down a dark and stormy path towards brittle code with a false sense of security. But there is a better way. A sweet spot between unit and heavy integration.

    Better tooling won't fix your API

    RESTful APIs are like Agile โ€“ everyone does it differently and if it isn't working, it's your fault for doing it wrong. ๐Ÿคจ

    How to configure Jest with TypeScript

    Using plain Jest on a TypeScript codebase is kinda rough. No types in tests no thanks. Making Jest and TypeScript work together smoothly is something you do just rarely enough to forget the details. Hope this helps you and future me too โœŒ๏ธ

    If you can JavaScript, you can backend

    When you think of a backend or server developer, who comes to mind? A wizard of arcane magics. The future belongs to full-stack frontend engineers.

    In 2020's, what is "frontend"? ๐Ÿคจ

    "He's a frontend guy, is this even a fair question to ask?" The head of engineering was worried about our systems design question โ€ฆ

    How you can start using GraphQL today without changing the backend

    GraphQL for new projects looks great ... buuuut how do you use it with that old backend cobbled together in Rails over the last bazillion years?

    REST API best practice in a GraphQL world

    GraphQL is taking the world by storm and it is wonderful. But in the real world, you're still dealing with REST APIs aren't you?

    TypeScript for serverless lambda backends ๐Ÿ‘Œ

    A few months ago I inherited a Kotlin project. It was an unfinished prototype and all I had to do was wrap it up and deploy. Every time I touched the project, it broke. Nothing worked. Wouldn't run on my machine, wouldn't read API requests, couldn't get tests working, if I changed some code I broke it all. That's when I realized learning a new field is super hard

    Created by Swizec with โค๏ธ