This strange bug from yesterday won’t let me sleep. Why does Chrome 52 sometimes behave like different instances of a class are the same object?
Backbone’s fetch method triggers the bug. But maybe that’s not the real issue? I’d hate to submit a bug report to Chrome project only to be told “Fool, that’s a Backbone issue.”
It’s terrifying to tell the Chrome team they made a mistake.
This is what yesterday’s repro code looks like:
var BugModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: "bla.json",
let bug = new BugModel();
success: () => {
console.log("fetch 1"); // prints
function doWeirdness(bug) {
let newBug = new BugModel({ id: 1 });
console.log("about to re-fetch"); // prings
success: () => console.log("fetch 2", newBug), // doesn't print
error: () => console.log("error"),
success: () => console.log("fetch 3"), // prints

If you press Cmd+R, the bug happens. If you press Cmd+Shift+R, it does not. That’s a new clue that points at either Chrome’s speed optimizations, or worse, the network stack. Can we call it a network stack? I guess Chrome is almost an operating system at this point …
Adding console.log(newBug == bug)
prints false
, which implies that Chrome does not think both instances are the same object. This invalidates my original hypothesis. ?
So what does Backbone’s Model.fetch
method do?
fetch: function(options) {
options = _.extend({parse: true}, options);
var model = this;
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(resp) {
var serverAttrs = options.parse ? model.parse(resp, options) : resp;
if (!model.set(serverAttrs, options)) return false;
if (success), model, resp, options);
model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
wrapError(this, options);
return this.sync('read', this, options);
A lot of this stuff is unnecessary in ES6, but Backbone is from the before times.
We start with a default value for options - {parse: true}
, then use the var = this
trick because we don’t have arrow functions. Then we copy the options.success
callback to a variable and define our own. You can think of it as a wrapper.
Inside the success wrapper, we parse data returned from the server and set new values on our model. Then we trigger a sync
event. This could be where the bug happens.
Outside the wrapper, we defer to sync
to actually talk to the server.
If I copy this method to my own model definition, we can inspect where it fails.

The success wrapper doesn’t fire. ?
Let’s see what happens inside sync
… ugh, it’s a long function. I’m not pasting it here. It does some setup, then defers to $.ajax
to perform an ajax request to the server.
Can we make the same bug happen without Backbone, then?
url: "bla.json",
complete: () => {
console.log("done 1st request");
url: "bla.json",
complete: () => {
console.log("done 2nd request");

? It worked! 8 lines of code reproduce the bug. ?
And yes, both requests happen without error.

It might be safe to say that jQuery is battle tested enough that this couldn’t be a jQuery bug. But let’s try superagent to make sure. It’s a great library for making requests and it’s implemented independently of jQuery.
Does the bug still happen?
request.get("bla.json").end(() => {
console.log("1st success");
request.get("bla.json").end(() => {
console.log("2nd success");

Now you might think: “A-ha! Every even Ajax call to the same URL fails.” I tried that, too -> it doesn’t. If you make requests in a loop, they all work.
The bug only happens, if you make the same AJAX request in the callback. You can extend a chain like this forever:
request.get("bla.json").end(() => {
console.log("1st success");
request.get("bla.json").end(() => {
console.log("2nd success");
request.get("bla.json").end(() => {
console.log("3rd success");
request.get("bla.json").end(() => {
console.log("4th success");
And it only prints the odd numbered console.logs.
Guess it’s time to submit my first bug report to a big open source project. Yay I’m helping!
Continue reading about I broke AJAX in Chrome 52 ?
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