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    Lord of the dance

    You know, for the Greatest dance show on Earth Lord of the dance sure was just a bunch of pixies prancing about on stage. Don't get me wrong, they're awesome dancers and some of the things they do with their blumin' feet are breath-taking (wonder if their ankles get sore after a while).

    In majority the show was a cacophony of sound and visuals, a spectacle, but sadly just a spectacle. It was a football match of dance shows, a hockey game, a pop concert. There was much for the oooooo pretty and very little for the mind to find. Whatever story there was, was fully transparent and no better than the majority of bollywood productions. Whatever there was of greatness and aaaaaahhh's was no better than a hollywood action flick.

    There was, however, one redeeming quality to the show. it was fun to watch. Sure it wasn't delicious and neither was it marvelous, but definitely something you can watch on a Saturday night with nothing else to do. Personally, though, I'd choose a nice walk around a gallery given the choice.

    The music was also pretty darn good, sucks you right in and makes your mind dance to their flute. Damn bastards have the algorithm fully figured out - just like all those serially produced pop princesses.

    All in all, it was fun, but I wouldn't go see it again, not for that kind of price.

    Published on May 18th, 2008 in review

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