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    Making a Node CLI both global and local

    Here's a fun engineering problem for ya: You want to build a CLI tool. It should run as a command anywhere in the terminal.

        $ do-the-thing

    And it does the thing. No ./ or funny paths or anything like that. Just a nice command you can run from anywhere.

    That's not too hard.

    Now what if you want that CLI to be easily updateable? Still not hard. What if you want different projects to be able to run different versions of your CLI? To avoid issues with breaking changes in future versions.

    Make a globally executable Node CLI

    Building executable CLIs with Node is pretty easy. Easy is a bad word in instructional writing, but it's true.

    Here's how you do it.

    1) You need an npm project. Run npm init, follow the prompts, do the things.

    2) Inside this project, create a cli.js file. This will be your executable. No real code in here, just handling the execution and possibly argument parsing.

        // ./cli.js
        #!/usr/bin/env node
        let command = require('./command')

    The cli.js file uses the hashbang syntax to tell your terminal to use node to execute this file. You then import the adjacent command.js file that exports some function. Run that function.

    You can now run this code with ./cli.js and it should run the command. Superb.

    3) To turn cli.js into a command, you have to add a "bin" directive to your package.json file. Bin tells npm which commands should become global bash commands.

        // package.json
            // ...
            "main": "command.js",
            "bin": {
                "do-the-thing": "cli.js"

    You can list as many bin commands as you'd like. Keys become bash commands while values are the Node files they map to.

    We set command.js as the main entry point into our module because that makes imports easier.

    4) Install globally.

        $ npm install -g your-thing

    Installs your CLI in the global node_modules directory. Wherever that is on your machine.

    You can now run do-the-thing from anywhere on your computer. The cli.js file will execute, require its adjacent command.js, and do the thing.


    A sketch of how execution works

    Make an optionally local globally executable Node CLI

    Here comes the fun part. How do we make it so that our global CLI runs different command files based on where you run the command?

    You want do-the-thing to call cli.js. But cli.js should first try to run command.js that's adjacent to where you're calling from. If that doesn't exist, it can run its own global version.

    Fortunately, Node has a great package resolution system that does just that. It climbs up the directory hierarchy looking for the nearest version of an import.

    Unfortunately, that doesn't work for us.

    We're executing the global cli.js you see. That one is already at the top. Node never checks files local to where you're calling from :(

    There's a few ways we can hack around that. But only one I was able to make work.

    The hackiest.

    Something like this:

        // cli.js
        let command = null;
        try {
            command = require(`${process.cwd()}/node_modules/your-thing`);
        } catch (e) {
            command = require("your-thing");

    Start with an empty command. Then try to import the closest node_modules to current working directory. If that fails, load whatever Node can find. Usually that's the global installation because it starts searching at cli.js, which is global.

    Now you can run do-the-thing from any project on your computer and each project can have its own version of your CLI. 👌

    Sketch of how local execution works

    One downside is that calling it from a subdirectory of your project will fail. Has to be at the root.

    It's a solvable problem. You can implement the same hierarchy traversal that Node uses.

    But that seems fishy 🤔

    Published on October 15th, 2018 in Technical

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