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Senior Mindset Book

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    Swizec's articles in the "personal" category

    I aim to write mindblowing emails with real insight into the career and skills of a modern software engineer. "Raw and honest from the heart!" as one reader described them.

    Below are 210 articles filed under personal. Enjoy ❤️

    What's your next mountain?

    Life is a hill-climbing algorithm

    Don't judge tech just because you're old

    Your favorite way of doing things may just be an expression of tech limitations at the time

    It made me $500k but I think content is a bad business

    Why I didn't become a full-time creator/educator

    Some personal news

    When you see a unicorn, you gotta hop on

    I'm a different engineer than I was 3 years ago

    A reflection on engineering through The Hockeystick

    Hard work doesn’t scale

    Overtraining won't always get you to the finish line faster. Growth comes in cycles - rest, push hard, recover. Less can be more when it comes to achieving your goals

    2274 miles in 9 days on a cafe racer

    These pics are epic and you should see them

    2022 year in review

    The days are long, but the weeks are short. In the wash of our daily grind, you lose sight of what a year can bring. Or a decade! I like to take a moment around the new year to reflect and make plans

    Getting off twitter, an experiment

    ole Musky bought Twitter and the tech community threw a collective shitfit. The atmosphere of ragequitting, hand wringing, and aloof defiance gave me time to reflect: Why am *I* here?

    I stopped using Google Analytics after 15 years

    swizec.com has been around since 2005. For 15 of those years, it's been running Google Analytics to give me a sense of "Is anyone out there?". No more.

    You do have time to build it twice

    My talk from React Summit is now online, if you're curious. It's about code rewrites in the context of hyper growth startups. The ultimate sin. Or is it 🤔

    How I stopped chasing mice in 2021

    How a focus on long-term games changed my approach to everything and calmed down my life

    Reflecting on 2020

    The year that felt like a drag and ended in the blink of an eye.

    Deep work December

    do you ever feel like you're working working working and nothing is happening? Like a game character running against an invisible obstacle? That's how I've been feeling lately. Stuck.

    Why engineers are worth so much

    Engineers don't do the day to day work, they build assets the business can exploit for years to come. That's the magic

    What makes you a senior software engineer anyway?

    I used to think a senior engineer was someone who gets a project, understands the context, puts their head down, and gets it done. But no. A senior engineer does so much more than just write code and design systems.

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